Services: SEO & SEM/PPC
Services include search engine optimization (SEO) of web pages for discovery by search engines and web crawlers; search engine marketing (SEM) and other pay-per-click (PPC) or pay-per-impression digital advertising, such as on social media platforms.
How effective is your SEO & SEM?
- Is your website easily discovered by search engines and crawlers?
- Have you properly identified appropriate keywords for your business and target audience?
- Does your website content maximize your targeted keywords through iteration and placement?
- Are your web pages effectively (file) named and titled for effective SEO?
- Does your website employ good SEO strategy to avoid diluting your keywords?
- Is your website content cross-promoted internally and externally?
- Have you employed website landing pages for use with inbound marketing campaigns?
- Has your website been designed with proper code for SEO success?
- Do you have an accompanying sitemap.xml file to indentify key content?
- Do you have a robots.txt file to help focus your content?
- Are you using paid search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, and email marketing to drive traffic to your website ?
- Are you tracking traffic and engagement through analytics?
- Are you using Google Tag Manager to track link performance?